Went and saw We Are Scientists and Art Brut the other eve with maybe 150 of my closest friends. WAS were better than their album but no big deal. Art Brut actually had several decent songs once you got past the what the fuck am I watching phase. Can’t imagine they’ll have a stellar career, but Mark E. is still rollin’ after so long (we heard some Fall type stuff in Art Brut’s sound) so who knows. More power to them.
May be heading over to Ladytron/CSS momentarily at th Variety Playhouse. Probably going to skip out on going to see my buddy Fred LeBlanc and Cowboy Mouth tomorrow as I have to go to a birthday party (big 4-0) for my friend Scott then and I have to write my Pere Ubu article for Stomp & Stammer at some point. Sorry Fred.
I’m not sure why you’re reading this, but thank you, I guess. You could have wasted these moments of your life using the restroom or reading Chunklet, pretty much the same experience though one is involuntary and I’d really have to strain to do the other……